The following information is provided pursuant to the Rules of Conduct and Client Care for Lawyers. A summary of the most important information is provided – a document containing full terms and conditions will be provide at the start of any engagement or on request at any other time.
Nature of Relationship
I’m a barrister sole. This means for some matters I can be engaged directly by a client, and for other matters I must be engaged through an instructing solicitor. Just ask me about what category your matter falls under.
For matters that do need to have an instructing solicitor, conceptually the process is similar to how a GP refers a patient through to a medical specialist.
My charge out hourly rate is $460 plus GST for tax related matters, and $380 plus GST for all other matters.
Fees will be billed monthly, and an upfront payment on account of fees may be requested to be lodged with the instructing solicitor.
Capped Fee Arrangements
These are considered on request. A capped fee arrangement is where I give a quote for a matter or for a stage in a matter and the bill won’t exceed the quote. If it turns out less work is needed, then a client will only pay the hourly rate for the work actually done.
I will regularly report to you on the progress of your matter. A client can request a report on progress of their matter at any time.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
I hold professional indemnity insurance at a level exceeding the $1,000,000 threshold set by the New Zealand Law Society. My personal liability is limited to the amount available to be payable under this insurance policy.
Complaints / Feedback
Complaints or feedback can be raised with me in the first instance and I will do my best to resolve them.
A client can also ring the New Zealand Law Society Complaints Service at 0800 261 801 or write to that service at Lawyers Complaints Service, PO Box 5041, Wellington 6140, New Zealand